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I guess this is 18 plus. I see big Tits and


Hey there, is there any other way to contact you? Like an Patreon or something? Btw are there any plans for an steam release?

Enjoyed the game - especially ecchi moments, and world/NPCs reacting to it.

Would love to see better art assets, outfits customization (with different scenes depending how 'scandalous' the outfit is) and generally more outfits with the same lighthearted setting.

Hoping to see more of your work with slightly better writing ;)


Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the game. What can I do to improve the writing?

Now that I think about it - probably nothing. Conversations and setting complements each other, just do your thing ;)


Ok, I'll have to consider more outfits for the MC in the next project. Thanks for the feedback and for playing my game : )

There's a game breaking bug when you speak to Jonson to initiate the attack on the Flymancer. When he asks if you want to bring an extra companion, no matter which person you choose, the screen goes black and and the conversation can be repeated over and over again without the ability to continue. Also if you tell him you're not ready yet, his portrait will stay on the screen. Noticed he's also the only person you can run into where the game doesn't automatically interact with him, you actually have to press Z to start the conversation.

Pretty good game otherwise. Liked the art and the encouragement of exploration for side quests. Could possibly have a little higher difficulty, but other than that it's an enjoyable game.

Thanks so much for reporting this bigblue, I'm already working on a fix.
There is a workaround for now, as the intended instance of Jonson exists past the north gate with dialogue that will allow you to continue the story. 
The instance of Jonson you encountered was supposed to be cut from the game, but I overlooked that in testing. 

I see that the dialogue leading up to that part of the game still indicated that he'd meet you in the guildhall, which lead you to the old wrong Jonson. That will be removed and the dialogue corrected in the upcoming update so there should be no more confusion, and only the one true version of that character.

I'm so glad you enjoyed the game, and thank you once again for reporting this!

You're welcome and once again, great work!